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Vidrio emplomado para proteccion de radiacion.Ideal para salas de RX, Tomografia, Resonancia, Etc.MODELO TAMAÑO LXWXT L&W LEAD (MMpB) WEIGHT DENSITY Pulgadas/Grosor mm Desviación Equivalente kg g/inch2 LG-8108 8x10x8 203x254x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 1.89 23 g/sq inch LG-10108 10x10x8 254x254x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 2.36 23 g/sq inch LG-10128 10x12x8 254x305x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 2.76 23 g/sq inch LG-12168 12x16x8 305x406x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 4.42 23 g/sq inch LG-14148 14x14x8 356x356x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 4.51 23 g/sq inch LG-14188 14x18x8 356x457x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 5.80 23 g/sq inch LG-18248 18x24x8 457x610x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 10.0 23 g/sq inch LG-24368 24x36x8 610x915x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 19.9 23 g/sq inch LG-363610 36x36x10 915x915x8.5~10 ≤ -2 2.0~2.40 37.4 28 g/sq inch LG-363612 36x36x12 915x915x10.5~12 ≤ -2 2.5~2.90 44.8 34.4 g/sq inch LG-364810 36x48x10 915x1220x8.5~10 ≤ -2 2.0~2.40 49.8 28 g/sq inch LG-364812 36x48x12 915x1220x10.5~12 ≤ -2 2.5~2.90 57.7 34.4 g/sq inch LG-367212 36x72x12 915x1830x10.5~12 ≤ -2 2.5~2.90 89.62 34.4 g/sq inch VIDRIO EMPLOMADO PARA PROTECCION DE RX LINEA LG
Vidrio emplomado para proteccion de radiacion.Ideal para salas de RX, Tomografia, Resonancia, Etc.MODELO TAMAÑO LXWXT L&W LEAD (MMpB) WEIGHT DENSITY Pulgadas/Grosor mm Desviación Equivalente kg g/inch2 LG-8108 8x10x8 203x254x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 1.89 23 g/sq inch LG-10108 10x10x8 254x254x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 2.36 23 g/sq inch LG-10128 10x12x8 254x305x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 2.76 23 g/sq inch LG-12168 12x16x8 305x406x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 4.42 23 g/sq inch LG-14148 14x14x8 356x356x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 4.51 23 g/sq inch LG-14188 14x18x8 356x457x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 5.80 23 g/sq inch LG-18248 18x24x8 457x610x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 10.0 23 g/sq inch LG-24368 24x36x8 610x915x7~8 ≤ -1 1.7 ~ 1.92 19.9 23 g/sq inch LG-363610 36x36x10 915x915x8.5~10 ≤ -2 2.0~2.40 37.4 28 g/sq inch LG-363612 36x36x12 915x915x10.5~12 ≤ -2 2.5~2.90 44.8 34.4 g/sq inch LG-364810 36x48x10 915x1220x8.5~10 ≤ -2 2.0~2.40 49.8 28 g/sq inch LG-364812 36x48x12 915x1220x10.5~12 ≤ -2 2.5~2.90 57.7 34.4 g/sq inch LG-367212 36x72x12 915x1830x10.5~12 ≤ -2 2.5~2.90 89.62 34.4 g/sq inch